i love to dance and sing with my kids, but i can hardly stand some of the tv show character
songs out there. i want real music...fun music...the kind i don't get headaches listening to and singing along with.
{see the blurry jumping up and down...isn't that how you dance?}

a fam fav around HERE, is the laurie berkner band...she is upbeat and a little folksie with a big splash of fun. and look at her, she's cute and fun too!!! no weird costume either!

the best thing...i get to drop her tunes right into my ipod and hook up my FM trasmitter, and viola....
laurie berkner's voice is just a singing away in the preschool drop off and pick up line...and we are dancing and singing right along.
{sure people look, but who cares, really}

so here's my total old school ipod and wireless transmitter.
{i know, get off my back. hubs has 3 and my kid has the iPod touch...i need nothing more than this.}
i invested $15 at tj maxx for the transmitter {retail you are looking at about $30-$90}...you set the radio to an FM station that is not broadcasting and set the transmitter to the same channel...and there you have it...iPod music in your car stereo for everyone to enjoy...and no cd's dancing all over the floor or back seat.
go on now...dump some tunes onto your iPod and start dancing!!!
danyele @ a thorn among roses
That's a great idea. They didn't have IPODs in my days of motherhood. Wish they had.