everyone should have a first aid kit in their home...with all the supplies in one place for an emergency. you don't want to dig through the cabinet to find the gauze when there's bleeding!!

so, grab a quick container and print this list from the american red cross
your kit should contain:
2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches)
25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch)
5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram)
5 antiseptic wipe packets
2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each)
1 blanket (space blanket)
1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
1 instant cold compress
2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large)
2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1
gram each)
1 roller bandage (3 inches wide)
1 roller bandage (4 inches wide)
5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches)
5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches)
Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass)
2 triangular bandages
First aid instruction booklet
since we are constantly on the run, i also keep a kit in my car that i picked up at the local pharmacy for under $10. i can honestly say it has been used a number of times...for bee stings, for cuts, for softball injuries, etc.
i also keep two sets of rubber gloves in the glove box in case i come upon or am involved in an accident and need to provide assistance. {i am first aid and emergency certified}. the gloves protect me and those injured...and it just takes a second of time to prevent any type of fluid transmission.

if you want to know more, please go HERE and the red cross will give you all kinds of good information!
danyele @ a thorn among roses
This is a PERFECT post! And the timing is perfect too, summer and all. Have a great weekend!