want a quick and fulfilling daily devotional?

our daily bread is bible based and pertinent to our everyday lives...and you can read it online, download it to your PDA, listen to it online or even go old school and order a free devo book that they will mail.

another great resource available online that my hubs and i have used for years, is the oswald chambers devo, my utmost for his highest...you can read a few of these HERE.
if you have a fav christian author, like max lucado or beth moore, many of them have their own websites that you can read devos there too...go spend some time in god's word. find some renewed strength.
danyele @ a thorn among roses
Another great site is BibleGateway.com. You can read virtually any form of the bible from The Message to NIV to King James, etc. You can research passages or words, etc. I also go to Upper Room http://upperroom.org/ and read the morning devotionals there. And while I own several Beth Moore books, my favorite inspirational authors are Max Lucado and Rick Warren. (Devo was a crazy musical group in the 1980's...are you too young to know them?)